Each year at the end of October, the State of Illinois releases the “State Report Card” for school districts. From 2015-2017, the PARCC test was administered in the spring to students in Grades 3-8 with the purpose of measuring student achievement in English Language Arts and Mathematics. In the spring of 2019, Illinois switched to the Illinois Assessment of Readiness (IAR) as the State assessment for Grades 3-8. According to the Illinois State Board of Education, the IAR measures of student mastery of the Illinois Learning Standards in English Language Arts and Mathematics and their readiness for the next steps.
While the IAR is one measure of student achievement, it is just that, one measure. It is important to remember that each student who walks through our doors has strengths and challenges that a IAR test result cannot show. This assessment is designed not to tell a student’s entire story, but rather a snapshot in time.
To ensure that we are able to create a more complete picture of a student’s progress, we utilize multiple measures and assessments such as regular classroom assessments, developmentally appropriate progress monitoring assessments, and the nationally normed iReady test. The variety of data collected serves an important role in helping us to understand the needs of our students and inform instruction to best prepare them for the future.
Information on school data, including academic performance, school environment, educators, and students for Lisle District 202 and public school across Illinois can be found on the Illinois School Report Card.