Special Education


Lisle Junior High School is committed to the success of all students. Reflective of this commitment is the placement of students with disabilities in the least restrictive environment. Inclusion facilitators are on the staff to individually assist those students with Individual Education Plans (IEP). Students with IEP’s may participate in any of a variety of education settings in order to best support their growth.

Meet Our Team

Special education teachers

(L to R) Mrs. Parra, Mrs. Heap, Mr. Grau, Mrs. Cerny

Tips to Remember:

  • Please encourage your child to write in their assignment notebook each day so that you can check it at home. You may want to encourage your child to bring home any assignments they have completed in class so that you may review them for completeness and accuracy.
  • Check your PowerSchool account for updates on attendance, grades and other demographic information.
  • Check the LJHS Online Homework Hotline daily for assignments

Marie Cerny

Title: Special Education Teacher
Locations: Lisle Junior High
Phone Numbers:
School: 630-493-8283

Jason Grau

Title: Special Education Teacher
Locations: Lisle Junior High, Junior High
Phone Numbers:
School: 630-493-8297

Emily Heap

Title: Special Education Teacher
Locations: Lisle Junior High
Phone Numbers:
School: 630-493-8284

Ashley Parra

Title: Special Education Teacher
Locations: Lisle Junior High
Phone Numbers:
School: 630-493-8288