December 2024
- 2024 Real Estate Tax Levy - Each year, the Board of Education evaluates the financial needs of the District and the impact on taxpayers when reviewing various tax levy scenarios. After careful consideration, the Board of Education approved the 2024 Real Estate Tax Levy increase of approximately 3.4% for most homeowners. The approved levy will allow the District to continue to operate within a balanced budget and maintain fund balances within the guidelines outlined in Board Policy 4:20, while also addressing the capital needs based on the current Facility Master Plan. Please see the November Finance Committee Agenda for detailed information.
Vision 202 began in 2015 as a collaborative process between the community and Lisle District 202, led by community members and District staff focusing on the achievements, needs, and other key issues essential to maintaining a successful educational experience for students. In order to create a collaborative forum, Community Engagement Sessions - interactive workshops - have been held, providing members of the Lisle 202 learning community opportunities to share ideas, discuss topics, and serve as a way to provide input to the School Board. Over the years, input from the Vision 202 sessions has yielded insights into the challenges and opportunities facing the District on a variety of topics.
We are pleased to share that we will be hosting the next round of Vision 202 conversations in early 2025. We invite you to join the conversation and help create a road map for Vision 202. Keep an eye out for details soon...we hope to see you there!