
Introducing the 2024 LJHS Inspire Magazine
Inspire cover


Inspire, LJHS's literary magazine, is a place for artists, poets, and writers to display their talents and inspire others. Moreover, Inspire's mission is all about inspiring and empowering young adults, no matter their interests and passions. 


The Inspire staff is excited to announce their 2023-2024 issue is now out! All junior high students were emailed the Inspire Volume 5 online edition of this year’s magazine. Also, all Inspire student staff members as well as students who contributed to the magazine can pick up a hard copy version from Ms. Braun.

Sharing one's writing, art, and performances can be a very vulnerable experience. Thus, please acknowledge all the brave student and staff poets, authors, and artists who contributed their work to volume five. Additionally, please congratulate all the hard-working and dedicated Inspire editors and committee members whose names are on the inside front cover of the volume.

Last school year, the Inspire staff decided to challenge themselves to design and gather/edit submissions with the intent of submitting to the National Council of Teachers of English’s (NCTE) annual Recognizing Excellence in Art and Literary Magazines (REALM) contest. Inspire ended up getting a “superior” award rating and plans to submit this year’s edition! Feel free to check out the details about the REALM Award and application guidelines. (If you select “Illinois” in the first link, you will see LJHS and last year’s student staff listed on the bottom of page two!)

Subsequently, the staff would like to send a special thanks to the Lisle Education Foundation (LEF) for financially making the publication of Inspire possible and Allegra Printing for their incredible work bringing Inspire to print.

LJHS students and staff are encouraged to create original poems, short stories, artwork, and/or musical compositions/performances over the summer and submit to Inspire’s website ( for next school year’s volume. All students who submit a quality piece this summer will receive an Inspire infinity bracelet for every first submission and a laptop sticker for each additional submission next school year! 


Happy reading and creating! Stay inspired!