Welcome to the High School HSO. There are two ways to enroll your family in the HSO:
A family can become a member at any time by submitting the $15 membership at the beginning of the school year.
Not only can you support us through membership, but also through our fundraisers. We have a mum sale every fall and a flower sale every spring.
We also sell tickets for a 50/50 raffle at the football and basketball games.
Because of your support, we are able to give scholarships to graduating seniors and support the students and staff of Lisle High School. We also hold a student only senior banquet each year for graduating students.
Please consider donating your time either by attending an HSO meeting and/or volunteering for our fundraisers.
Here are a few ways you can help!
- Help with our fundraisers
- Sell raffle tickets at a football/basketball game
- Donate treats/drinks to our teachers when we stock their lounge
- Join the HSO